God is love. He died for you.
Why is that so hard to believe?
Yet, the Bible makes it clear that few will believe and few will enter the gates of heaven. The road is wide that leads to hell and most in arrogance or ignorance choose the road leading to eternal suffering and separation from God and many that love them. Along many along this path will be non-believers who claimed Christians were trying to “save them” or were just being “pushy”, “intolerant” or “self-righteous”.
Their eternity in hell will not be because God didn’t love them and it certainly won’t be because He didn’t put people in your life that tried to show you that love.
It’s you that rejects God, not God that rejects you. You can either accept or reject Jesus, but you must make a choice.
Thousands of years ago the Scripture predicted the time would come when Christians would be despised by the world, when most would deny God, and most would try and earn their way into Heaven by trying to “be a good person”.
By Brady Speers
If you have a friend that’s been trying to tell you about Christ, maybe for once you should let your mind dwell on the idea that maybe, just maybe, your friend is simply trying to save your soul. Nothing is more loving than one friend trying to help another, and if you spend eternity separated from God simply because you rejected him, nothing would hurt more.
God is speaking to you even now if you’re reading this….and you know it. Stop being hard headed and accept what He offers you – eternity with Him and those you love.
Think about it….if you’re right and I’m wrong, what I have a suffered by living the Christian faith? I would have done nothing but live with peace, joy and purpose.
But, if I’m right and you’re wrong….your price to pay is pain beyond measure.
In the words of a famous old black preacher, “You say there is no God? You say there is no heaven or hell? Well, you better hope not Mister, ‘cause if there is, you’re going to go straight there.”
Make the right choice. Your time could come to an end today.
“The fool says in his heart, ‘there is no god.’” Psalm 14:11
© 2011, J. Brady Speers
"I say it how I see it and I make no bones about it."
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