Sunday, July 24, 2005

Then God Created

(1997) Imagine if you will -

It was a beautiful place indeed. Tall green trees covered the land, most of them bearing some type of fruit. Birds sang in the air, while different sounds rang out - a lion, an elephant and monkeys.

A small stream slowly made its way through the area, its small rapid currents crashing against the rocks. In the sky the sun was high above sending rays of colored light through the clouds. A gentle breeze kept the day cool.

It was a splendid day.

When Adam awoke that day, his nose was filled an enchanting smell of flowers. He sat up and pondered on the smell a moment and then reluctantly went over his mental list of daily chores. After a few minutes he got up and began his daily routine; pray, eat, feed some animals and hunt for dinner.

He finished the day and slowly made his away back to his sleeping area. The sun had gone down as the day ended. Now the birds were asleep and the crickets and locust took over. A wolf in the back ground yelled its mating call and an owl pitched in its nightly tune.

Adam ate his dinner and then relaxed on the ground gazing up at the stars. As usual, he felt something was not right. He was lonely. For days he had been here all alone, doing the same thing everyday with no one to share it with. He was tired and worn out. Not from his day, but from his sadness of being isolated. Surrounded by all of this beauty and yet sometimes he would rather be dead. He sadly looked into the stars wondering about his purpose and his existence. If only there were another like he...He slowly fell asleep. This was how every night ended for the new man. Sad, lonely and crying.

Tomorrow he assumed it would be no different.

He awoke startled in the morning...something was strange. He felt it in the night, as if he was having a dream so real it seemed it was happening. Quietly he got to his feet, completely naked as was custom and looked around. He was scared, vulnerable and incapable of doing anything to protect himself. A few minutes later he relaxed and began to eat breakfast. He thought about the night and his loneliness. So, he sat there and ate and began to cry again when it happened...

Suddenly, something touched his shoulder. He jumped, screamed, turned around and couldn't believe his eyes. What he saw was more beautiful than gold. It was the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen. It had long brown hair that was gleaming in the morning sun. It had a different, enticing shape. Its eyes were as blue as the ocean and its skin as smooth as silk.

Slowly he approached it as it extended its hand toward him. He embraced it and felt love, kindness, compassion, companionship, happiness and joy. This was it! He spoke to it and he called it woman. Her name would be Eve and he knew together they would live in happiness forever and ever. She smiled at him and they embraced...kissing and crying, they held each other for days upon days.

After all of this waiting, Adam had finally received the gift of love. A gift of love from God that he would never forget. No longer was he lonely; instead he was in love. In love with the most incredible of all of God's creations...woman!

"My sister my bride, you have thrilled my heart with a glance of your eyes, with one sparkle from your necklace. Your love is so sweet, my sister, my bride..." Song of Solomon 4:9-10

© 1997, J. Brady
“I say it as I see it and I make no bones about it.”

9/11 - God Bless America

(2001) As the united gathering of the men and women of Congress stood on the steps of the legislature, tears came to my eyes as they proudly sang "God bless America" and declared this country would move on, fight and stand up for freedom. Unfortunately, the most horrible of terrorist attacks had occurred hours earlier in which hijacked airplanes were crashed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and then another one was diverted from its WhiteHouse target to the fields near Pittsburgh.

Suddenly our eyes shifted from tax cuts, policy implementations and partisan concerns to realize that life is precious and can be taken at any moment. As tears have surfaced in our eyes and as our hearts have pounded with fear, anger and hurt, the realization of the days behind and the days ahead of never being same, have gripped our minds.

Like anyone with a human sense of concern, I have sat with my TV on in the office waiting for retaliation, waiting for news of heroes and miracles, waiting for our leader, President George W. Bush to make statements of strength and honor. Most importantly we have all prayed for God to provide those miracles, provide that strength and direct us to the retaliation He would have for such evil acts on our land.

As I heard on the news many countries have been directly impacted by the crumbling of the buildings in downtown New York City as over 60 countries lost offices and citizens in the destruction. Over 450 businesses have lost employees, friends, partners, paperwork, materials, money, irreplaceable items and documents. For many, those businesses came to a sudden end around 8:48am, PST. Later that afternoon, thousands of children waited for mom or dad, grandma or granddad to come pick them up for school. Someone had to explain to them, that this was not going to happen. How painful it must have been for the messenger and those receiving such horrible words!

Like many, I have asked, "God what can I do?"

Maybe you've asked the same. Whether we are here or there, or in another country, we can be a part of the healing. We can give blood. We can drop by our local Red Cross and give a few dollars, some clothes or canned food. We can pray everyday during lunch until this issue is resolved and everyone that can be, is found. We can teach others the promise of Freedom, here in the U.S. and concerning eternity with Christ. We can show support by putting out our flags and wearing read, white and blue.

Above all, we can prove to the world that we will not relinquish what thousands of people have fought for and given their lives for - freedom. This is America and though we have been in moral decay, we are still the country who proudly prints "IN GOD WE TRUST" on our money, and whose President reads scripture on worldwide TV. We are the United States and God's hand is on this land. For that, we all must unite, keep our prayers to God coming, and as Christians, take this opportunity to show love thousands of miles away, to the hurting, and broken; to those whose loved ones will not be coming home. This is our time to shine. Let's not let Him down.

He will bring healing. Just let Him use you to do it and I will join you. God bless America, my home sweet home...

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

© 2001, J. Brady
“I say it as I see it and I make no bones about it.”

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Chasing Squirrels

(2005) Dogs. One of the greatest creations God ever came up with. A true expression of His love for us. Actually, all animals are incredible examples of God's creativity and love, but there's just something about a dog.

Dogs can teach us so much about ourselves, caring for another, forgiveness and love. They wag their tails after being abused. They' lick your face when you're sad. They give you "hugs" and "cuddle" with you when you're tired or stressed. They apologize in their own weird way when they've done something wrong and know it. They run around like mad when you come home....every time, even if it's only been a few minutes or hours. They only cry or whimper when the pain is strong and unbearable. They know no stranger; everyone is a friend. They protect and defend. But best of all, when everyone else has left you, a dog will be there with a smile on his tail.

But...they don't live real long.

Some may say it's silly to be sad when your family dog dies. It's not. It's real and it hurts and unless you're not human, you feel it hard. Dogs are a part of the family.

Our pastor and his family lost their precious pal "Buffy" and he cried from the pulpit the next Sunday. Buffy had been a part of their family for many, many years. I never met the pup but I know how he feels.

My best friend lost his buddy "Brandon" years ago to an illness. He filmed a final tribute video the day they had to put him asleep. I remember him calling me in tears about it that night. He's never watched the video either. It stays in a box.

My family lost our Chihuahua mix "Sandy" while I was away in college. She joined the family as a puppy by following me home across the street when I was a kid. She lived for 19 long, fun years, but I never got to say goodbye. I still miss the times of her growling like a Lion when anyone got near her food.

Well, Ashley, a fun, loving dog with black hair and a great personality, was my wife's family dog for over 14 years and she died today. Since Julie was 16 Ashley roamed their home offering a sniff or lick and being a happy presence in the home. If not that, she was roaming the backyard looking for mystery squirrels to chase, or sniffing out trouble on the few streets around them. She was funny in the few short years I got to play with her. I'd say, "Stop breathing Ashley!" if she was panting. She'd close her mouth and stop, looking at me like, "Uhh. Ok. Not sure just why...but I will". It cracked me up.

In her old age she had some pain. She had spotty hair, arthritis and tumors, but she still enjoyed just hanging out. Though dad kept her shaved like some canine cancer patient, she'd still do her best to play and live a dogs life. One thing was for sure. She always bounded out of the house when we visited to see Julie, her lifelong pal. Her nub of a tail would go crazy with joy from seeing her again.

Dogs just love. That's what they're here for.

Some Christians say our dogs have no souls and simply die and return to the dust. But, I have a different way of looking at it. I see animals as God's creative expression to man of His love. Especially dogs. It only fits the character of God to throw them in as an extra joy of life in heaven. It would be "so God" as they say. Even the Word hints that animals will be in heaven waiting on us. Surely dogs will be there, with tails a waggin'. Julie and I share two great dogs together today, Max and Sam. They never cease to entertain or amaze us either.

There's just a whole lot we can learn from dogs.

I know we learned allot from Ashley. I can't wait to see her bounding for us again. I believe we will because I believe she's already there.

I just hope there are squirrels for her to chase. Otherwise, she might get bored waiting.

"He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles of the earth and birds of the air." Acts 10-11-13

© 2005, J. Brady
"I say it as I see it and I make no bones about it."

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Punch Time

(1998) Like faith comes before belief, consistency comes before results...and only action puts faith and consistency into practice.

Sounds easy. Believe me, it's not.

In just 26 short years I have discovered one thing that I am sure of: Life cannot be fully enjoyed with all of God's blessings unless we first learn to live by consistent faith and persistent action. Symmetry is the key. The two go hand in hand. One requires the other and the other the same.
However, life doesn't seem bent towards making faith and consistency easy areas of our lives to master. Life continually deals us blows; blows that for many are the knockout punch. The game's over and then time begins its deathly toll.

Success itself is learning to overcome those punches, to pick oneself up, face the enemy and fight. Consistently throwing back punches (action) knowing that, in God's time (faith) the results of those efforts will be fruitful. Consistency of action produces mental toughness and emotional stability.

But knowing the formula doesn't make the mixture easy to put together. Putting faith and action together is a real struggle for me. Sometimes life's blows take away my punch, other times my punches weaken as my faith is shaken.

Have you been there? Are you working on something you know God has called you to do, but it just doesn't seem to be coming together? Has it caused you to doubt what you thought you knew?

I know where you’re at, because these are questions that often run through my mind. As you may know, I started a ministry called "Club J" in Ft. Worth, Texas. Many times I wondered during those days, "God is this really what I should do? When are you going to help me?"
But those times and those questions were there to lead me back to Him. Time after time I would struggle and find myself back in His arms. Like a father longs to be near his sons, even more so does God long to be near us.

When the times get tough and when the doubts creep in, go to the One who made you. He knows what you need to make it.

He'll give you back your punch.

“For You have been a shelter and a refuge for me, a strong tower against the adversary.” Psalm 61:3 (AMP)

© 1998, J. Brady
“I say it as I see it and I make no bones about it.”

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

You'll Be Shocked at What This Mom Said...

(2005) I could not believe what I hearing nor what I was seeing. I was in shock, but I was the only one.

It was a hot summer Saturday afternoon on the 4th of July weekend. I was out running some errands and trying to get things done. Time was running out as my wife and I were getting ready for twin babies. She was 28 weeks along.

Thinking about being a parent was making me nervous, getting me excited and weighing me down some all at the same time. The pressure, the responsibility and the work involved. Wow. I had a lot in front of me but I felt we were both ready for the challenge.

As I walked into a convenience store to get some water I stood in line behind a mother and her son, who was between 9-10 years old. I was waiting on them because they were taking their time trying to pick the winning scratch off games, together! Yes, this mother was asking her son for help in trying to pick the “right one” and she was intense about it too.

He didn’t seem to care and casually gave her some off hand backtalk. That’s when the second shocker of the day arrived as she said, “You’re being such a butthole today!” My mouth dropped and the others around me just kind of smirked. They paid for their worthless lottery scam tickets and went on their merry way.

And we wonder why.

I got in the car and replayed what I had heard and seen all the way home. I went back and forth between wanting to chase her down and slap her, and wondering just who and what that kid would turn out to be.

Kids look to the adults in their lives as examples. Who you are to them is likely who they will aspire to be. Maybe he was being what she called him because that was the example she had given him throughout his short life. That’s a bet I’d take any day.

The problems we have with kids today are not the fault of TV, movies or video games. It’s not even the fault of musicians, stars or athletes. It falls 100 percent on the shoulders of today’s parents. Only parents can control those outside factors that impact the lives of children. Of all people, parents certainly should be the best they can be in front of them. But many aren’t and many don’t seem to care. They shirk their responsibility onto those things I mentioned above. It’s careless and frankly, immature.

You and I may not share our lottery games with our kids and I doubt any of you have ever called a child what she did, but that doesn’t mean we’re clear of all charges either.

Have you said other words in front of them, watched stupid shows while they sat there with you, or yelled at the guy in the car in front of you? I have, and that means I’m not much different than this lady. It’s just not shocking enough to make the Howard Stern show.

Whether you’re a parent, uncle, aunt, church volunteer or just a good family friend, remember, you’re another way the see Jesus.

They sure aren’t seeing Him at the local stop-n-shop.

“Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

© 2005, J. Brady
"I say it as I see it and I make no bones about it."

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Chill Out

(2005) It's hard to admit, but sometimes I'm just a little too uptight about things. I know that's a shocker, but it is true.

I mean life is fun and all, but aren't we supposed to be serious, hard workers, people who don't have time to stand around and chat about meaningless things like how dumb, yet funny, the movie "Napoleon Dynamite" is? I mean come on! We've got things to do, people to see, bills to pay, tears to cry, and dreams to accomplish. Let's get with it!

Yea, well, when you get a little older, somewhere around the age of 35, things suddenly do slow down and you begin to see things little differently. See, each of our lives should be taken seriously and as if we've been given a mission to accomplish, cause we have. Yet, at the same time, God put us here on this earth for a short period of time with two main purposes. One, spread His love, two, enjoy the lives He has given us.

I know for me, sometimes I lose sight of both. As I've gotten older I've noticed it's easier to become more worried about money, illness, or death. Or, I can find myself spending too much time wondering "why this" or "why that" or simply missing the "good old days" of the past.
God didn't spend His energy and time forming the earth and all it's creatures just for the heck of it. He didn't spend his creativity putting together mankind just so we would carelessly live life. No, He gave us this place to live and the bodies we have for our enjoyment, cause that's the kind of God we serve. Like a father wants his child to have all that they can, God wants even more for us.

He wants us to slow down, take a load off, and look around. Life is to be enjoyed and should be simple. There are times we need to be focused. Times we need to be on our knees in prayer or worship. Yet, most of our time is spent in the mundane - in the rat race of life - and if we are not careful, we will lose the thrill of all He intended. Even Solomon struggled with this. At first glance he determined life itself was meaningless. "What's the point?" he argued. "To live only to die a short time later?". Yet, He too soon realized what God was whispering in his ears. Can you hear Him? He's still speaking today....

"I want you to loosen up, trust me and live life to its fullest. Enjoy your friends. Enjoy your family. Have fun seeing the world and eating new foods. Catch a funny movie, see a play or attend a good concert. Play with your dogs and rub their faces. I wouldn't have created them if I didn't know how they make you feel. Kiss your wife and tell her she's the best cause I made her just for you. Love on your kids everyday. Your days here are too short to miss one. Work hard during the day and earn as much as you can. Your dreams are only limited by what you decide I can help you do. Tell someone about the love of God and all I have given you. Give a little. Give a little more. I've given everything for you. Serve those around you. Pay your taxes with a smile. Even Jesus paid His. Save as much as you can, but enjoy what you can too. Crank up the rock and roll and dance a little. Music is good for the heart and soothes the soul. I designed it to work that way. Eat alot but eat good. You'll need the practice cause you'll be dining with me forever. It's ok to have pizza or a bowl of Blue Bell here and there. Trust me, I know exactly where Blue Bell is made! Workout and stay healthy. Be thankful and don't worry. Have a massage if you need one. Cheer on those Cowboys, Mavs and Rangers cause I am too. Think, but don't think too much or you'll get trapped by the devil's own lies. Go see the mountains, the ocean or the plains. Travel as much as you can. I created it all just for you to see. Be involved in your community. Be patriotic. Let tears form in your eyes when you hear the national anthem. Vote. It should matter to you cause it matters to me. Pray for people. Support those in need. Be available. Enjoy your favorite TV shows, just be careful what you watch. Have fun driving your cars, flying in your planes or boating around the lake. I smile when you do. Just be joyful and happy. That will lead more people to my love than just about anything you can say or do."

Do you hear Him? I do.

It's doesn't have to be tiresome and meaningless. It's up to us to make it enjoyable and meaningful.

I'm gonna start today, how about you?

"Be Still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10

(c) 2005, J. Brady
"I say it as I see it and I make no bones about it."

Find the Right Solution

(1999) They say you become like those you hang around. The company you keep produces the kind of character you'll be. Studies even support this idea and give some reason to believe the entire premise; that you're likely to be guilty by some form of association.

The question for us is just what will we be guilty of?

Will we be guilty of running the race with the spiritually blind? Will we be guilty of standing on the fence living by few moral standards with the rest of the world? Will we be guilty of watching the game from the stands or will we simply leave the ticket we've been given at home and casually find something else to do?

What will you, and what will I, be convicted of?

I spent many hours over this last holiday weekend with an incredible friend that challenged me in many ways. She lives by standards we all should adhere to. We talked about God and His desires to see our lives become more like Him. We discussed right and wrong and when and where lines need to be drawn. We talked about our desires to move on past issues in our lives and start walking down the right path once again. We talked about today's Christians and how so many seem careless, apathetic and overwhelmed with problems, struggles and life issues.

Then it hit me. We've been guilty by association.

Misery loves company and so many times in my own life, I've seen myself gravitate towards people rather than God. "Oh, I have this problem. Let me run over here, talk to him, talk to her and hang out with someone like me. Maybe they can help me get it together. If not, at least they'll know how I feel."

Let's just be honest. Many times we choose to be around those who help justify our actions and our ways. We'd rather remain the same than to be with God be truly be renewed and refreshed. Face it, we're afraid if we change we'll lose the identity we have that we've spent a lifetime creating.

But my friends, court is about in session and your problems, issues and fears aren't going to give you the freedom you're hungry for. It's time we be with the very One who can change us from the outside in and from the inside out.

Be guilty alright. But be guilty of focusing not on the problems, but on the solution - Jesus Christ Himself.

If He created the world and His radiance alone could make the lame walk, the blind see and the hurting joyful again, what will happen to you and me when we find ourselves with Him and in His presence day in and day out?

Makes me wonder. What will we be guilty of then?

Hhmm. Just maybe we'll actually be guilty of being like Jesus.

What an interesting concept.

"After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John with Him and led them up a high mountain, where they were all alone. There he was transfigured before them. His clothes become dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them." Mark 9:2-3

(c) 1999, J. Brady
"I say it as I see it and I make no bones about it."

Saturday, July 02, 2005

My First Child Was a Dog

(2005) If you've never been to the SPCA (a local shelter for dogs and cats in the DFW area) then be prepared to take a cat or dog home if you do. That's exactly what happened to me in 1999.

I had been thinking about adding to my family at the time. I was single but dating and thought a neat little dog would help me adjust my life around taking care of something. Mom had told me I had a self-centered life and needed to learn about taking care of someone besides me. I agreed.

I had no idea what I was about to get into. Thanks mom.

Upon visiting the SPCA that day I walked in a saw this cute little black dog sitting in cage. He saw me and started whimpering. They told me he was a Jack Russell mix and that he had been found outside in the rain near Longview. Apparently he was abused by his owners and they decided to drop him off in the rain along a highway. How sad. I thought he was cute but I still wanted to look around. I liked this other red haired dog too.

As I prepared to walk out I looked over and again saw this cute little black dog staring at me. He whimpered again, wagged his tail and gave me this look that said, "I'm not gonna make it if you don't get me outta here." With the passed down, family trait "sucker" written on my forehead (thanks dad), I gave in.

On the way home, I decided I needed to make my first stop at the local pet supply store. The SPCA had put the dog in this carry box, if you will, with a handle on the top. It had little holes in it so he could see out and breathe. I left him in the box in the front seat as I ran in. He didn't seem to like being in there too much but I'd only be gone a second.

Well, I came back to find the dog sitting in the front seat waiting on me with this silly grin on his face. He had literally shredded that box from the inside out into a million little pieces that were now all over my car! He did all of this in less than 10 minutes. Yep, life as I had known it was about to change...

That was the beginning of things with my first "child". He would provide me many more stories, laughter and worry over the years to come. But, I'm glad the SPCA rescued this "little black dog" for me.

He became my best friend. I named him Max.

Colossians 1:22 "...yet now He has brought you back as His friends. He has done this through His death on the cross in His own human body. As a result, He has brought you into the very presence of God, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before Him without a single fault.

(c) 2005, J. Brady
"I say it as I see it and I make no bones about it."

No Bones About It - Volume One

I like to write. If you know me at all you know I've gone nuts with this concept of "blogs". I really have. Get me some meds quick.

Well, welcome to my world, where I hope to help show you how things in life are more than they appear. I'll make no bones about it either. I'm gonna show you how life is more than meets the eye.

Stay tuned for what is the begining of my 2nd book. "Second?" You ask. Well, yes. My first is being written, called "Seasons", but it's more for the family. It's boring 'cause it's a detailed journal of my life. Nothing more. Some of you are in it however...Actually most of you are.

This, however, will be my first printed edition and it's all gonna start right here. I hope I can share exactly what the title states - short stories with a point about anything from the realities of life, people, sports, kids, friends, dogs, politics, business, etc. that can help you in your daily walk. Some will be funny, some will be tough to read, but two things I promise; I will be real and they will all be me at my finiest!

Though most are recent, some were written years can tell by the (C) and year on the bottom of each one. I started doing this when I was in highschool. I'll eventually release an archived version called "No Bones About It - the untold stories". Probably in my "empty nest days" years from now!

Being a Christian isn't easy but all of these things can sure help us along the way. Maybe God can show us all things we've never thought of.

Come along with me. Let's have some fun.

I say it as I see it and I make no bones about it!