Sunday, July 24, 2005

Then God Created

(1997) Imagine if you will -

It was a beautiful place indeed. Tall green trees covered the land, most of them bearing some type of fruit. Birds sang in the air, while different sounds rang out - a lion, an elephant and monkeys.

A small stream slowly made its way through the area, its small rapid currents crashing against the rocks. In the sky the sun was high above sending rays of colored light through the clouds. A gentle breeze kept the day cool.

It was a splendid day.

When Adam awoke that day, his nose was filled an enchanting smell of flowers. He sat up and pondered on the smell a moment and then reluctantly went over his mental list of daily chores. After a few minutes he got up and began his daily routine; pray, eat, feed some animals and hunt for dinner.

He finished the day and slowly made his away back to his sleeping area. The sun had gone down as the day ended. Now the birds were asleep and the crickets and locust took over. A wolf in the back ground yelled its mating call and an owl pitched in its nightly tune.

Adam ate his dinner and then relaxed on the ground gazing up at the stars. As usual, he felt something was not right. He was lonely. For days he had been here all alone, doing the same thing everyday with no one to share it with. He was tired and worn out. Not from his day, but from his sadness of being isolated. Surrounded by all of this beauty and yet sometimes he would rather be dead. He sadly looked into the stars wondering about his purpose and his existence. If only there were another like he...He slowly fell asleep. This was how every night ended for the new man. Sad, lonely and crying.

Tomorrow he assumed it would be no different.

He awoke startled in the morning...something was strange. He felt it in the night, as if he was having a dream so real it seemed it was happening. Quietly he got to his feet, completely naked as was custom and looked around. He was scared, vulnerable and incapable of doing anything to protect himself. A few minutes later he relaxed and began to eat breakfast. He thought about the night and his loneliness. So, he sat there and ate and began to cry again when it happened...

Suddenly, something touched his shoulder. He jumped, screamed, turned around and couldn't believe his eyes. What he saw was more beautiful than gold. It was the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen. It had long brown hair that was gleaming in the morning sun. It had a different, enticing shape. Its eyes were as blue as the ocean and its skin as smooth as silk.

Slowly he approached it as it extended its hand toward him. He embraced it and felt love, kindness, compassion, companionship, happiness and joy. This was it! He spoke to it and he called it woman. Her name would be Eve and he knew together they would live in happiness forever and ever. She smiled at him and they embraced...kissing and crying, they held each other for days upon days.

After all of this waiting, Adam had finally received the gift of love. A gift of love from God that he would never forget. No longer was he lonely; instead he was in love. In love with the most incredible of all of God's creations...woman!

"My sister my bride, you have thrilled my heart with a glance of your eyes, with one sparkle from your necklace. Your love is so sweet, my sister, my bride..." Song of Solomon 4:9-10

© 1997, J. Brady
“I say it as I see it and I make no bones about it.”

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