Sunday, January 01, 2006

Don't Be God's Slug

(2006) Hard to believe we are already done with 5 years of the new Millennium, but it’s true. We are. Of course, with New Years Day come more New Years resolutions. Question is, in the words of Barry Manilow, will it be “just another New Years Eve, a night like all the rest…”?

I really believe we accomplish nothing if we don’t have road maps in life. If you have a map that leads to nowhere, you’re bound to get there. Nowhere. Goals are just that; points of reference on the road we travel. They keep us from going nowhere.

As you start out the New Year celebrating with family and friends, wouldn’t it be wise to sit down and plan out where you’re headed for the next 365 days? Should we not ask God for His blessings on our hopes, plans and dreams for next year? Do you really believe God wants to give you a life for the few years that you are here filled with joy and abundant overflowing?

Ultimately, I guess it depends on just who you are. There are three types of New Years people. Billy Buster, the over planner, who plans everything and considers God for little. Billy Brown, the no planner, who plans nothing and just takes life as it goes. And, Billy Barber, the balanced planner, who has found a way to plan, prepare and yet wait on God for His blessing. Which are you?

I know some who say, “Ah, why bother, life is a journey…let it take you where it may.”
Yet, others say, “I know exactly where I am going this next year and exactly what life is going to be like.” Really? Must be nice.

Neither of those approaches are true and both will lead to confusion. We need to remember God is in control and God will lead our lives as He sees fit. Our job is to make sure we are on His road map and follow it to a tee. Planning life without planning on taking God with you is crazy, but not planning ahead and living without goals is foolish too. Problem is I believe more of us are "Billy Busters" than any another. We live without a plan and blame God when things fall apart.

I see it all the time. People that work for me, people at church, friends I've known for years and family members. Just going through life without a purpose or plan. From one Christmas season to the next, always just talking about how fast it all goes. They get into debt without realizing it, they gain 20 more pounds without seeing it, they end up with no career objectives wondering what to do next, they have little to give and little time to serve, they find themselves getting old and talking about "those days" all day long, and many seem unhappy and unfulfilled. Sad truth is most of the people I am talking about are Christians.

Ever shopped at JC Penny? Here’s what James Cash Penny had to say about it, “Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I'll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I'll give you a stock clerk.” By the way, he was a faithful follower of Christ too.

God even calls a man a “sluggard” who prepares and plans for nothing in Proverbs 6. (Sorry, I’m not real interested in being a slug bug for God). Furthermore, if we are made in His image, yet we claim there is no reason to plan and think ahead, are we not also saying then that God Himself just “takes things as they go” and doesn’t plan? He is no slug.

God wants us to think ahead and plan around what He has revealed to us as His plan for our lives. If we already know the direction He has us headed, planning correctly for the journey and hoping for great results is only common sense. Why would we expect failure if we are trusting in Him? Might want to read the Book of Proverbs one more time and ask yourself, "Is God lying or do I just need to believe?"

Here are some suggestions for your New Year:

1. Plan to spend more time with God each day…add another 5 minutes to your study or prayer time.
2. Set it as a goal to serve and give more this year than last.
3. Make it a plan to be more financially prudent; paying off debts and saving for the unknown.
4. Work harder to keep your body in the best shape possible – it is God’s temple on earth.
5. Give it your best effort to let God’s spirit help you control your weaknesses – anger, the tongue, eating habits, lust, gossip, etc.
6. Push to succeed and accomplish more than you ever though possible – God made you to glorify Him in all you do.

Finally, be specific in your plans and goals. Generic goals produce generic results. Touch on every area of life – family, spiritual, physical, mental, financial, social, recreational and professional. Write them down, think about them regularly, and ask God to help you work on making this New Year better than the many before.

After all, if we are really on a journey with God through life, what does it say about us if we aren’t moving?

Let me ask that again. Not sure if you got it.

If we are really on a journey with God through life, what does it say about us if we aren’t moving?

Know you know why God calls them slugs.

Happy New Year!

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11

“Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” Philippians 3:13, 14

© 2006, J. Brady

"I say it how I see it and I make no bones about it."

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