Sunday, April 12, 2009

Remember When? Easter Should Remind You

Sometimes it's good for us to remember...

Remember when you talked behind the back of someone you really cared about?

Remember when you stretched the truth just a little to make yourself look good?

Remember when you laughed when someone was being made fun of?

Remember when you said those words you wish now you could have back?

Remember the stupid fight you caused to prove a point not worth proving?

Remember when you promised God you'd do this, or that, if He would only....

Remember when you cussed out the car that cut in front of you in rush hour?

Remember when you tore down someone's dreams by telling them they'd never make it?

Remember when you felt so jealous of the things your best friend accomplished?

Remember when you said you pray for them...only to fail to really do it?

Remember when you took credit for something that you didn't do?

Remember when you didn't answer the phone when you knew someone needed your ear?

Remember when you didn't tithe or give more because there was something you really wanted?

Remember when you were so insecure you did things with someone you wish you could forget?

Remember when you felt so helpless and dirty?

Remember when you just wish you could forgive and forget?

Remember when you didn't let go and let God?

Remember when you were in need of someone to save you and He did?

Do you remember when?
Be reminded this Easter Sunday, because I can assure you He didn't forget. He slept in your tomb so all of these things you could forget and never remember again.

You need Him, remember?

"This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me." 1 Corinthians 11:23-25

© 2000, J. Brady

"I say it how I see it and I make no bones about it."

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