Thursday, October 25, 2012

Jesus Would Vote, Just Not For Obama

This one is gonna make some mad. But, truth hurts and I make no bones about it.

In a matter of just a few weeks now, believers all across America will have an interesting political choice to make.

On one hand, we have Mitt Romney; a smart family man with a huge business background that believes in God, studies the scriptures, has ministered and helped others, and attends church regularly. The glaring problem to most Christians is that he is in fact a Mormon. Oops.

On the other hand, we have President Obama; an educated, good family man, with a desire to see people get “a fair chance”, yet who has a Muslim heritage with too many Islamic friends to count. While he claims to know Jesus, he attended a controversial “black theology” church led by the extreme radical Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Huh?

So what would Jesus do?

See the truth is God doesn’t really care about our economy. He doesn’t give a rip about bailouts, big gulp bans, taxes on the rich, healthcare, the value of the dollar or spending money on NASA so we can get to Mars. In fact, there are only a few things he would care about if he was here on November 6, 2012, and his voting results would likely be easy to follow. It’s really not that hard once you see it through the prism of the Word and break it down to the five real issues Jesus himself would truly care about.

Entitlements - The Bible makes it clear that we are to take care of those that are truly in need and/or are desperate for help and we have both Christian and worldly systems in place for those people now. The Bible also makes it clear a man is responsible to care for himself, provide for his family and work or he shall not eat. Nowhere in scripture can you see the character of God endorsing a growing system of handouts and dependency on any system made by man. In fact, Paul himself worked so that “he may not be a burden” on anyone. Nearly 50% of American’s now get some form of check or handout from the government. Slackers abound and irresponsibility has its own Twitter hash tag. As a business owner that has hired hundreds of people I have seen it first hand and it makes me sick. This growing attitude of dependency is 100% contrary to the teachings of the bible. Under President Obama handouts and dependency have grown astronomically while responsibility has been swept under the rug.

God’s Word and Values – The attack on Christian values in this country and around the world has increased tenfold in the last decade. You see it just like I do and frankly, it is scary. There is no doubt the End is near. But neither are we supposed to let the world just run ramshod over us like an old Super Dave skit without speaking out. The Bible has been and always will be the center of Truth for life. Our nation, and sadly many Christians, is caving to the pressures of various worldly, anti-God movements such as political correctness and tolerance of immorality. The fastest growing religion in the world is now Islam, with a temple near you. It is alarming to say the least. Jesus spoke out against immorality and large portions of the New Testament are about false teachers and false religions. Laws that would prohibit us from speaking the truth and proclaiming the teachings of God are being worked on now. We have to act. During the Democratic National Convention the word “God” was voluntarily removed from their platform. Under pressure it was put back in even though the vote taken audibly was clearly against it. Need I say more?

Homosexuality – God’s first ordained structure was the family, consisting of Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. The family was God’s first defense against Satan’s front line and the homosexual movement is the devil’s biggest weapon. Homosexuality is sin. Period. End of story. Those are God’s words and the popularity of legalizing homosexual marriages is tragic. Everyone sins and every sinner has a right to exist. We can and should befriend homosexuals and love them. But when laws are made to promote and condone this movement, a line has been crossed. Obama has promoted and embraced the homosexual movement more than any President in our history.

Israel – The Jewish people were promised by God a homeland and that occurred in 1948 primarily because America forced it to. For decades we have supported, protected and defended these vulnerable chosen people of God. The scripture makes it clear that those who oppose His people “will be cursed” and my guess is we don’t want to be on the wrong side of the line when God curses anything. Recent actions, even under President Bush, have brought us very close to crossing over that line. Jews will always be His people and we better get back to remembering that in a real hurry. Under the leadership of President Obama, Israel has been left in the dark. He hasn’t even visited them one time in 4 years. He is no friend of Israel. Not good.

Life – Finally and most important, Jesus would care about the sanctity and respect for the unborn. Over 50,000,000 Americans won’t be voting this year because they were killed by the lawful act of a doctor. The Word makes it clear that life begins when God says it does, not when Chris Matthews does. Obama is one of the most radical supporters of abortion in history…even infanticide. He makes Hillary Clinton look like the Pope on this issue. Romney may have once supported a woman’s right to choose, but he says his views have since changed and that’s all that matters, even if it was merely political. The Republican party will hold him accountable to standing firm in supporting the pro life movement or the Tea Party will see he is a one-term flash in the pan. Regardless of Romney, Obama hasn’t changed his views and even made it clear he would want his own daughter to have the freedom to kill his grandchild if it inconvenienced her life should she get pregnant. Look it up. This one issue alone is all any believer really needs to make their decision clear. A Christian that is pro-choice needs to make sure they have the right version of the Bible and try re-reading it.

Despite all of these completely anti-God issues, some Christians like to argue that there should be a separation between politics and faith. Many have a carefree attitude to the point of apathetic disinterest in the process. They say “God is in control, so who cares?” What they fail to realize is that God ordained the world we live in from the beginning. It was God that knew we would have governments, political systems and laws. His word clearly explains that both in the New and Old Testaments. He also knew there would be corruption, bickering, elitism and the like. After all, men run these systems and many times they are, in fact, epic failures.

Yes, Christians need to lead by example and only Jesus can change the hearts of man but worldly governments can either be run by His people or those that hate Him, and in America that is decide by voting. God expects believers to stand up for the values and expectations He gave us in His word. We need to wake up to that reality. Even the Israelites eventually had to make a stand against their ruler and in a similar way America was founded by believers that also took a stand.

Today is no different. More than ever America needs to start making a turn back to our roots and right now we are blessed that we can still do that with our votes. Judges will be appointed in the next 4-6 years that could determine all kinds of laws – either for or against the teachings expressed in God’s word.

It’s time to make people have personal responsibility. It’s time to stand up for Israel. It’s time to defend the God ordained family structure and resist the homosexual agenda. It’s time to stand up and defend the Bible and the values it demands we live by. And, most importantly to God, it’s time we stop killing babies.

Jesus stood on a cross in defense of you. The least we can do is stand at a voting booth in defense of Him.

The Democratic Party endorses abortion, promotes homosexuality, has weakened in their defense of Israel, gives applause to irresponsibility, and wants God removed from nearly everything, including their own party platform. So it’s pretty easy to see…

Jesus wouldn’t vote for Obama, will you?

“But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens." Exodus 18:21

(c) 2012, J. Brady

"I say it how I see it and make no bones about it.”

1 comment:

Kat Curlee said...

Abso-freakin-lutely TRUTH spoken here, Brady! THANK YOU! Now, the homosexuals will want BIBLICAL references for their here YOU go people. You ask for it...

Taken from "The Bible and Homosexuality?" -

The Bible doesn't speak of homosexuality very often, but when it does, it condemns it as sin. Let's take a look.

Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."1
Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them"
1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."