Thursday, May 17, 2007

The End of Myself

(1996) Recently I was with an Outbreak overseer and my personal friend Pastor Dick Schultz. He and I were conversing a few weeks ago about how God works in our lives and he shared this nugget of wisdom with me.

"Brady, sometimes God can't move in our lives until we get to the end of ourselves. It's there that we search for Him and then He powerfully moves in our lives."

Wow. How true that is.

Time after I time I try to fill the emptiness in my heart with things - ministry, job related projects, personal business, relationships, even just little things such as sports or re-arranging my room. Many times I find that when I'm alone or feel unworthy, I busy myself, so as to hide from the very one who can heal me.

In Psalm 4:8 David says "I will lie down and sleep in peace for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." Like me, David was at the end of himself. All he knew to do was go to bed and believe God would change things as he slept. If nothing else, maybe he could grab some peace.

Ever come to the end of yourself? Ever wanted to get away? Just lie down and forget it all?

Well then. Just go do it. Let Him fill what you’re trying to squeeze other things into. Let God work on your problems and start taking the wheel in directing your life. It sure makes it all a little easier to accept; knowing He is in control.

Are you at the end of all you can do?

Then, chill and just lie down and take a quick nap.

After all, He's up all the time anyway.

"I will lie down and sleep in peace for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." Psalm 4:8

© 1996, J. Brady

"I say it how I see it and I make no bones about it."

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