Wednesday, May 23, 2007

God Doesn't Make Sense

Yep, I said it. God just doesn’t make sense. He really doesn’t.

Let me prove it.

Have you ever just stopped for second and taken a good look at yourself? I mean. Those legs…that hair…that double chin….that stupid laugh…that terrible voice….that lack of creativity or skill…and those clothes. Wow. It isn’t the 80s anymore you know….

I mean think about it. Despite all of that, and I am sure much more (but I won’t say anything I promise), God still loves you for who you are!

It makes no sense!

Better yet, take another second or two and think about all you have done….yesterday, years ago, and heck maybe even 3 minutes ago. Those things you thought, that cursing you let out, that anger you spilled, that finger you gave the other drive, that woman you lusted after, that person you gossiped about, that church you criticized, that thing you stole, that pain you caused, that money you blew…..and again much, much more.

Yet, again, despite all of that, the grace of God says to us both, “My Son will cover it all! Come on in and have my love and favor anyway!”

It just makes no sense.

To many people God has to be figured out in order to be believed in. To others, if His ways are not ways familiar to their own, He can’t be accepted much less be real. The problem with both of those approaches is simple. Human reasoning and Godly reasoning rarely fit into the same square of compatibility.

Let’s get real….as soon as you can turn your bottle of Beringer’s into some pure Evian water….girl please…..

When you can explain how something like the wind can be felt, can create energy yet can’t be seen…..
When you can count the hairs on your buddies head without calling upon your bald friends to use….
When you can count the stars in the sky and know each by name….during the day
When you can explain how a King Penguin can stand for days upon end, protecting their egg, in sub-zero weather without dying….
When you can explain the reasoning and beauty of spring Bluebonnets…
When you can explain the ongoing love of an abused dog…

Then, maybe just maybe, someone might listen.

Until then, face it. God doesn’t need you….you my friend need Him.

Now that makes sense.

"My thoughts are completely different from yours. And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

© 2007, J. Brady Speers

"I say it how I see it and I make no bones about it."

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